Career directory

Richard Smith - engineer, metallurgist, welding engineer, welder.
Based Cornwall, UK.

Contact me : contact form

What you are likely to be looking for

In-detail covering letters

Welding covering letter

Welder covering letter for welding and metal fabrication.

Mineral Processing covering letter

Mineral processing covering letter for extractive metallurgist, plant engineer / technician, laboratory analyst and similar roles.

Cornwall local engineering roles

Cornwall - engineer roles covering-letter
Engineering skills plus locally-relevant geology and mining.

Broader skills presented

Computing and information-technology skills

With four decades of accruing experience - crucial computing skills in data handling and explained calculations .
This is from a world where "the information" is separated from "its presentation". Organised mind for big and technical tasks.
Contrary to "office computing applications" which entice users to comingle the information and its presentation.

Engineering design

The 3rd Bosphorus Bridge project of 2015 had challenges which would have become rapidly tractable if I had unilateral "in-house" engineering design ability. Hence gaining:

Success. I both lead on solutions and compel experts to give clear transparent answers.
This works very beneficially with my welding and weld engineering expertise of the career path I ascended.

Consultant and Consultancy

Yes. Done in oil&gas. My role on the 3rd Bosphorus Bridge project was similar. I represented lead-contractor Hyundai on welding, fatigue-resistant design and NDT when other parties had consultants.

Note all my research has been applied/industrial, part of a "hardcore" stratum of scientists/technologists, which carries forward in my career path as seen following.

Specific interests and expertise:

Cases and Studies

My entire career in pictures - early 1980's to present.

Oil-and-gas 2012 - January to October an engineering design company in the oil industry

Oil-and-gas 2013 - October at a subcontractor site sorting welding requirements.

2009 foundry - case-studies of improvement projects , six examples of very different activities.

Memoir of my Doctoral research on hydrogen distribution and movement behaviour in welds, explaining the high weldability of modern "TMCP" plate steels compared to "classic" plate steels.
Also explaining why pipelines formed from TMCP plate steels are very resistant to sour-oil, compared to those from "classic" steels.

Memoir of my work in the first half of 2015 on the 3rd Bosphorus Bridge project near Istanbul, Turkey - as the welding specialist for Hyundai, the lead contractor. Lot of detail of the technical challenges, and of persuading the organisation buying the bridge what would be best to do. The bridge has a 1.4km span and a huge bridge-deck 59.4m wide, providing 8 road-traffic lanes and 2 railway lines - it's "mega"!

Contact me

To discuss opportunities use the contact form on this website to send me your contact details and an introduction.