Data skills


Reason for page

Handling data is a significant widely applicable skill. I show effective involvement in data.

Foundation in relational database concept

I gained outline knowledge of relational databases by this simple project:

Sole reason for the topic is it genuinely called for a meaningful relation of tables.

Looking forward from then RDBMS [Wikipedia] rudiments served me well in applications including

The overall effect is to be a good team member.

Background - using unix user toolkit

I used "the unix user toolkit" [Wikipedia] since "Linux" [Wikipedia] arrived in the mid/late 1990's. Bringing unix onto personal computers. Result of using sed, awk, grep, shell-script, etc seen in following examples.

The effect is that I can be unfazed by processing and extracting information from millions of lines ("records") of data. Which can be a much appreciated ability when I run with this.

Data examples

Foundry 3-day data project

Relational database example...

The 3-day castings scrap-rate data project

The foundry was the sole major employer in the town, so I was grudgingly thrown some good leads to follow. I sat with the database operator at the database server console to find and extract the data with SQL [Wikipedia] commands.

Essentially I found indications the lowest practicably achievable scrap-rate could be significantly lower than the generally seen scrap-rate.

Pulse-MIG true power

Exemplar millions of lines of data unix-tookit / shell-script example...

With electronically-controlled, power-electronic implementation welding Pulse cycles, being systematic,
average-Amps x average-Volts does not equal average Power

Page on the the topic .

The need at the time: true arc power from Lincoln Electric's "RapidArc"

Recent example - tide data processed

Newlyn tide data (from the Newlyn tide gauge) applies to all commercial and leisure seagoing activities I do.

Example Tide Newlyn all 2022 data

Seeking to extract "envelope" of tides N22 tides highest-high lowest-low PROVISIONAL .
Pardon the flippant tone enforcing this cannot be construed as navigational data.

Recent data creativity

I found the exact state of the tide at 0800 on the 18th of March1967 (about 56 years ago) around the Isles of Scilly.
This gained the mentoring which enabled me to write my webpage Investigate Torrey Canyon / Pollard Rock wreck circumstances .

(R. Smith, 17May2023> 27Jun2023)